You will see many of the Town of Parker Sponsored events and information on this website that is provided to me via press releases and personal relationships I’ve fostered over the 23 years of maintaining this Parker Hyper-Local Community & Business Directory. You will also see Rotary Club Events, Chamber Events, Church Events, and Local Non-Profit Events listed here.
Therefore please do not ask me when the snowplow will be on your street, to dispose of the barking dog next door or why The Town of Parker has a whacky signage code. I can’t help you. There are many official Parker CO resources here.
What you CAN ask me!
What is the best happy hour in town? What is my favorite coffee shop? ( I Love ALL of them actually) Who is my favorite town council person? Where is the community Messiah performed? Or pretty much anything else that has to do with the goings-on in our wonderful closely-knit community of Parker CO. If I don’t know the answer I can usually direct you to someone who does know.
I do not receive any compensation from any agency for the content on the site nor is the content featured biased because of payment.
The website does receive compensation via ads See Disclosure Policy Here.
Sponsored posts and business profile articles are paid for advertorial content and are marked as such.
Advertising Rates are listed here.
Sometimes I play favorites! After living in, raising my children in and owning businesses in Parker for the last 36 years I have a couple of friends that happen to own businesses here and I do them favors from time to time via promotion on my websites.
I don’t accept all advertising and reserve the right to refuse any listings or advertising on the website for any reason at any time. I reserve the right to remove anything from the website at any time for any reason.
I have some exclusive relationships with top clients and they have secured my SEO services for their business category.
Do you wish you could be involved too?
WONDERFUL… I try to know everything that’s going on but since this is a volunteer effort sometimes I don’t have time to get to all of the events or press releases. With the new format I can set up Parker Locals who have connections are spokespeople for a local organization or just moms who have something to say with a platform on the site. Not a techie? Want to submit an article? Fantastic! Let me know. .
History of Best of Parker Colorado aka Unofficial Parker Colorado Directory aka Chrissy’s Parker Site
1999 – This website was the first website in Parker Colorado and started as a community service to let families in Parker know about fun things that were happening and to let anyone looking to move here a bit about the area.
It also served as the perfect training ground to learn all about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Local Search strategies.
2003 – local businesses saw how well this Parker site ranked on Google Searches and was anxious to advertise on the “Unofficial” Parker Colorado Directory.
2006 – The Our Parker blog was born to supplement and give Parker once again its first “Web 2.0” interactive blog experience.
2011 – The focus on helping locally owned and operated businesses in Parker grew to include a partnership with RelyLocal Parker. This included a complete facelift of the website to include an interactive events calendar, featured writers, and guest authors.
2019 – The Events Blog “” & The Best of Parker Directory website are merged together to make updates & searching easier for everyone.
2020 – Provided Support during the Covid-19 Pandemic with canceled events, what was closed and open and restaurants that provided us with to-go and curbside pickup.
2021 – Combined Colorado Bucket List with the Parker site so residents have ideas of things to do when you have guests in town.
2023 – What would you like to see featured?
Now? – We are open to suggestions….
Best of Parker Colorado Site Awards and Statistics