In Parker CO you can step back in time a bit to a place where neighbors help neighbors and family time, neighborhood BBQs are standard fare.
Several dedicated public service organizations comprise a network of volunteers and event planning expertise and experience to create several signature Town of Parker events throughout each year. Below are the basics of each event, please be sure to subscribe to the website for the details as they become available for these and other local events in Parker.

Many of the signature Best of Parker events happen in or near O’Brien Park at the Corner of Parker Road and Mainstreet.
Farmers Market – Click for more info
Parker Days Summer Festival – This huge multi-day event happens the second week of June each year and is a four-day festival extravaganza that gets visitors from all over Colorado. Mainstreet is closed down and turned into a fun weekend for all ages. Expect a Parade Saturday morning, Carnival rides from Thursday night through Sunday Night. Live music, beer garden, craft show, local vendors, concessions, and street entertainment. This event is sponsored by the Parker Chamber of Commerce who always welcomes volunteers. To attend is FREE there are costs involved with the food and rides of course.
Free Music Concerts at Discovery Park – Originally an Eagle Scout project, this fun free summer concert at the park is now brought to you by the staff of the PACE Center in Parker and has been moved to Discovery Park by the new Library on Mainstreet & Pine
Art in the Park – sponsored by the Parker Artists Guild
Parker Wine Walk– sponsored by the Parker Chamber of Commerce is a fantastic way to spend a Friday night in downtown Parker. For just $15 you receive a bag filled with 12 tokens for wine tastings at various downtown merchants, a specially engraved tasting glass, and coupons and special offers from the business owners. It’s even fun if it rains and a great way to meet people if you are new to town. Wine Walk runs from May through October.
Fun Runs Year Round
Parker Brewfest – sponsored by the Cherry Valley Rotary Club of Parker returning August 2020 at O’Brien Park.
Parker Oktoberfest – Mid-September each year.
Trick or Treat off Mainstreet – Happens each Halloween October 31 where Mainstreet is open to delighted trick or treaters who are hosted to new and fun events each year to commemorate the spooky fun holiday. Come in costume with your bag for candy and let the Downtown Development Council amaze you with their newest ideas for holiday fun. This year we were treated to a Thriller street dance by the Parker Senior Center dressed in full zombified makeup, and a DJ to keep the street dancing for the older “kids” in Parker CO. FREE
Community Messiah – Each year the Parker United Methodist Church hosts the community production of Handel’s Messiah. Always the first Sunday in December with only 2 rehearsals. This is a come as you are, EVERYONE is welcome to be a part of the huge 100+ person community choir.
Country Christmas Parade – Town of Parker event. FREE
Tree Lighting Ceremony – Always the Friday after Thanksgiving at 5:00 p.m. at O’Brien Park. The ring in of the Christmas Holiday season at our house. The park and Mainstreet fill up with winter-bundled residents to wait for the splendor of the lighting of the lights in O’Brien Park. You’ll enjoy music from local vocal groups, concessions, hot cocoa and a speech by the Mayor. FREE