The Town will host its annual Christmas Tree recycling program from Dec. 25 through Jan. 29 2025for Parker residents.
Parker Christmas Tree Recycling
Drop-off dates: Dec. 25 through Jan. 29
Hours: 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Parker locations:
- Salisbury Park (West paved parking lot), 11920 S. Motsenbocker Rd.
- Contact the Town of Parker at 303-840-9546 for more information about this site.
Mulch is available on a self-serve basis on-site while supplies last for the first week in January.
Contact Douglas County Parks for questions related to these two sites at 720-733-6990
Bayou Gulch, 4815 Fox Sparrow Road, Parker
Challenger Regional Park, 17299 E. Lincoln Ave., Parker
The drop-off is available solely for Parker residents to recycle their Christmas trees. Additional yard waste and tree branches are not permitted. No commercial tree lot disposal is allowed as our elves have a hard time removing all of the tags.
Please remove all ornaments, lights, tinsel, garland, plastic wrap, tree stands, wire, rope, nails, etc. before bringing trees to be recycled.
Live trees with artificial snow sprayed on the branches cannot be mulched.
Please drop off during park hours only, 6 a.m. to 11 p.m., and do not illegally dump any other items at the drop-off location.
Tree Recycling Information
The trees collected by the program will be chipped into mulch, which is available at the same site at no charge to residents. The remaining mulch will be utilized throughout the Town and not discarded in a landfill.
Residents should not place Christmas trees in garbage containers. Keeping trees out of landfills helps extend the life of landfills and produces a useful resource. The annual Christmas Tree Recycling Program is just one of many ways that Parker residents can reduce, reuse and recycle.
Please remove all ornaments, lights, tinsel, garland, plastic wrap, tree stands, wire, rope, nails, etc. before bringing trees to be recycled. Live trees with artificial snow sprayed on the branches cannot be mulched. Please check with your local jurisdiction or newspaper during the holiday season as Christmas trees are typically accepted at the following locations, but are subject to change.
Douglas County
Drop-off dates: Dec. 26 through Jan. 31
Hours: Anytime
Douglas County locations:
- Bayou Gulch, 4815 Fox Sparrow Road, Parker
- Challenger Regional Park, 17299 E. Lincoln Ave., Parker
- Fairgrounds Regional Park, 500 Fairgrounds Drive, Castle Rock
- Highland Heritage Regional Park, 9651 S. Quebec St., Highlands Ranch
Mulch is available on-site while supplies last on a self-serve basis.
Contact Douglas County Parks for information at 720-733-6990
Castle Rock Christmas Tree Recycling
Drop-off dates: Dec. 26 through Jan. 31
Hours: Anytime
Castle Rock locations:
- Founders Park, 4671 Enderud Blvd.
- Metzler Ranch Community Park, 4175 Trail Boss Drive
- Paintbrush Park, 3492 Meadows Blvd.
Douglas County location in Castle Rock:
- Fairgrounds Regional Park, 500 Fairgrounds Drive, Castle Rock
- Contact Douglas County Parks for information regarding this site at 720-733-6990
Highlands Ranch
Drop-off dates: Dec. 25 through Jan. 16
Hours: Anytime
Highlands Ranch locations:
- Dad Clark Park, 3385 Asterbrook Cir.
- Redstone Park, 3280 Redstone Park Cir.
- Toepfer Park, 9480 Venneford Ranch Rd.
- Contact the Highlands Ranch Metro District at 303-791-0430 for information about any of the above locations.
Douglas County location in Highlands Ranch:
- Highland Heritage Regional Park, 9651 S. Quebec St.
- Contact Douglas County Parks for information regarding this site at 720-733-6990
Mulch is available on-site while supplies last on a self-serve basis.f-serve basis.