Whether by car, truck or horse and buggy, horse lovers and admirers are invited to attend the official open house and adoption day at the Dumb Friends League Harmony Equine Center near Franktown, Colorado.
The open house and adoption day will take place on Saturday, June 16, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the equine center located at 5530 E. Highway 86, just west of Franktown.
Dumb Friends League Equine Center Open House
“We’ll have made many changes from the time the League announced the opening of the Center back in March to what you’ll see at the open house,” said Duane Adams, vice president of field and equine services. “Our third barn will be completed, and out new training classroom is going to be well under way.”
Visitors will be able to take a guided tour, enjoy food and refreshments and see horses available for adoption. No RSVP is required. After June 16, the Harmony Equine Center will have adoption days every Saturday, except on major holidays.
“We want the public to be able to see what we are doing, not only to help the horses in our care, but to spread the word that there is a real need for this facility in Colorado,” said Adams. “The Center is supported entirely through donations.”
The Dumb Friends League Harmony Equine Center is not a sanctuary or a rescue facility. The Center does not accept owner-relinquished horses.
It is for horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules that have been removed from owners’ care by law enforcement authorities.
To learn more about the Harmony Equine Center or to see horses available for adoption, visit ddfl.org/equine or call (303) 751-5772.