Whether you are struggling or might have a little bit of money or time you can spare, Douglas County CO has several options for you.

Woman’s Crisis Center
Serves Douglas, Elbert and Lincoln Counties – services include:
- 24-hour crisis line
- Emergency shelter
- Adult and child therapy
- Legal Advocacy
- School and community outreach programs
Crisis Line 303-688-8484 – Toll-Free:1-888-247-7
Douglas/Elbert Task Force – services include:
Douglas County Volunteer Coalition services include:
- Cultural and educational – Douglas County Schools, Douglas County Libraries Volunteer Link
- Disability services – Praying Hands Ranch, Douglas County Disability Services
- Douglas County Government Services
Castle Rock Victims Assistance Program
Contact: Carole Malezija 303-663-6100
Parker Task Force
– Services include Foodbank, emergency assistance, holiday programs and referrals to other agencies.
Holidays can be a cause of special stress for our client families. We coordinate with various organizations and individuals in the community to provide special meals and various additional items.
Thanksgiving Program
Meals are provided to client families to take home and prepare. More InformationChristmas Program
Adopt-A-Family (AAF) More information.Easter Program
Easter Baskets for children.
Children’s Programs (Available all year)
School Supply Program
Volunteers put together backpacks full of school supplies for kids in our community. More Information
Backpack Food Program
The Backpack Program provides kids in need with food for the weekend. Each Friday, the qualifying child picks up a backpack with food items to provide them nourishment so that they are able to focus on their studies instead of their hunger.
More Information
College Scholarship Program
The Parker Task Force Board of Directors have authorized five $1,000 annual college / post-secondary scholarships for students of current client families residing in Parker, Franktown, and Elizabeth, Colorado. More Information.
Food Bank
Food is provided through local food drives by churches, schools, businesses, social organizations, grocery stores, and by donations from individuals within the community. Other assistance may be provided depending upon need.
Scheduled Food Drives
The monthly food drive is conducted usually on the third Saturday of the month. Other dates to be announced, please click on Calendar for more information.
9 Cares / Colorado Shares
Go to our 9 Cares / Colorado Shares page for more information on the food drives. Individuals and groups are able to make donations at the Parker Task Force location for this year’s food drives.Senior Program
The senior program, in which qualified seniors 60 or older can visit the food bank a couple times a month for as long as they need.
Emergency Assistance
limited financial assistance will be considered for families in PTF’s service area with a rent eviction status and/or utility shut-off bills. Homeless clients can be assisted with services as appropriate for their circumstances. Homeless clients may need to visit the Parker Police Department in some situations.
More volunteer information here.
Mission: Loving kids, families, and those in need with food and financial assistance while restoring dignity and hope for a better future!
Vision: to build a team implementing our services to 5,000 of the more than 45,000 families in our 42 zip codes while collaborating with other like-minded organizations as well as planting the SECOR model in additional locations.
As a faith-based organization, we are about restoring justice to a fearful, hidden, hopeless, and significantly unreached group through redemptive love and grace in the face of suburban poverty’s devastation.
While facing brokenness, hurt, confusion, and shame, we see the faces of our guests as they seek help in the midst of job loss, underemployment, recent divorce, inadequate retirement for the elderly, outrageous medical bills, brutal rents, almost non-existent public transportation, broken down auto’s, and multiple other “LIFE HAPPENS” events that few are capable of planning for.
The Market is a grocery store with no cash registers. As you arrive, you will sign in. Once you are checked in by a staff member (paperwork or interview may need to be completed) and it is your turn to shop, a volunteer accompanies you through the Market where you choose the food that will best meet your needs.
There is a produce section where you can choose fresh fruit and vegetables as well as a huge selection of meats, eggs, milk, and more.
Shop with choice and pay nothing. Please give them a call or come by the office during market shopping hours to experience it for yourself.
Please call 720-842- 5621 before your first visit to check that your address is within our areas of service.