CASC has an established history of over 12 years of service in the local community.
The Arts – they will focus on bringing some of the finest musical member performances to enhance the greater Parker area including Wine Walks, Community Stage at Parker Days and other community events as well as musical concerts.
The Sciences – They are also branching further out to the sciences by producing interactive and experiential events including Science Day and Science Night in addition to supporting programs in local front-range areas that feature activities for youth who want to enrich their minds. They are always looking to build the science program support to be one of the leading programs in the state.
Culture – Within every community, there needs to be culture and cultural awareness. CASC has two major fundraising programs each year to bring just that to our communities. The Mardi Gras is celebrated each year to bring out the flavor of true cultural heritage.
For more information visit their website at CASC4U.org on Facebook or Instagram
For information on the Mardi Gras Celebration click here!
July 4th 5K
For information on Oktoberfest click here!
About CASC
A non-profit organization started in 2004, in Parker Colorado. Dedicated for a number of years to the entertainment of arts and culture, they now focus on cultural events while supporting groups that bring value to communities. CASC hosts the Mardi Gras, supports the Mile High Rodeo Royalty as well as provides musical entertainment for Parker Wine Walks, Parker Days Community Stage and the Creative Districts Random Acts of Art program.
Volunteer at CASC
Your energy and enthusiasm are always appreciated!
The CASC is always looking for volunteers and your youth can get credit hours toward Douglas County graduation requirements.
CASC Volunteer Opportunities
It takes a lot to run an organization. CASC volunteers are what make it happen and they are looking for your help.
CASC could not plan or execute events without the help of wonderful volunteers like you. If you are interested in a particular event, want to do some service for the greater community, or are just interested in the programs we offer, we need your assistance.
Colorado Council of Arts, Science, and Culture is looking for volunteers in all areas and also with the following skills:
Complete your High School Community Service Hours at PAC events.
PAC/CASC – is currently listed as a participating Court Ordered Community Service program in Douglas, Arapahoe, Elbert, El Paso, Denver, and Adams Counties. We accept court-ordered Community Service.
We are an all-volunteer group and we mostly only have hours in the evenings and weekends. Much of the service time will involve working events, pre-event marketing, equipment care, set building, and various small tasks that we as an organization need help with.
Volunteering Process
We only take calls for new volunteers one day per week (Tuesdays) between 6:30 – 7:30 pm. Call 646-243-8628
- We will want to know how many hours are needed when they are due by, and when the form needs to be returned to the courts.
- If our call questions fit your schedule, and you want to continue, we set up a meeting.
- During our one-on-one meeting, we sign your first documents and discuss a schedule that works with the CASC events and planning.
- We will assign you to an event leader to fit the schedule and choice.
- Documentation will be signed for your hours each time
- Check our calendar on the site for upcoming events and note days that are available.