Get Ready for Snow Season in Parker Colorado
Snow Priority System
The Parker Engineering/Public Works Department has a snow plowing priority system in place to clear our nearly 500 lane miles of streets. The plowing time required depends on several variables such as the snowstorm intensity, duration, wind and the temperature. The Town’s snow plowing priorities are as follows:
Arterial Roadways
Arterial roadways are our first priority and will be plowed first. These are the major roadways that carry the most traffic volume, such as Stroh Road, Hess Road, 20 Mile Road, Cottonwood Drive, Canterberry Parkway, Lincoln Avenue, Jordan Road, Pine Drive, Hilltop Road and Mainstreet.
Collector Streets
Collector streets are our second priority, including, but not limited to, Dransfeldt, Riva Ridge, Motsenbocker, J. Morgan, Nate, Bradbury Parkway, Clark Farms Drive, Pine Lane, Apache Plume, Crown Crest Boulevard, Tallman, Omaha and Canterberry Trail. These streets provide access to the arterial roadways and will be plowed once the arterial roadways have been plowed.
Local Residential Roads and Cul-de-sacs
Per Town Council policy, local residential roads and cul-de-sacs that provide traffic flow within subdivisions and access to homes are not plowed unless six (6) inches or more snow has accumulated on pavement or if major drifting has occurred.
State Highways
The Colorado Department of Transportation is responsible for snow operations and maintenance on State Highway 83 (South Parker Road).
View Parker’s snow removal map (PDF).